In the midst of it being a tiring week and emotions flying around, I thought it would be good to reflect on things that I have been thankful for in this past year.
This year I am thankful for
-being fully employed finally. And having 2 jobs that I get to work with kids
-my adorable kinders. They bring me so much joy just to see their cute little faces
-being able to put on a play with my kinder soon
-teaching theatre at my summer camp this summer
-leading When Justice and Peace Kiss and being able to perform
-my beautiful nephew that I get to see in a few days
-my family that loves me and supports me, I am really thankful to be close to them
-my roommates that teach me how to eat healthier and pray with me
-men in my life that care about me
-what I have learned and been inspired by through Inner City Arts
-being able to understand more of how I experience God's love for me
-my bible study that encourages and love me
-the cuddly kids in my bible study who let me read to them and tickle them
-a car (after getting into a accident and having to buy a car, I take it for granted less)
- that friends of mine are finally able to adapt two children that we have been praying about for years!
-the cockroaches in my kitchen have been fewer recently
-my church that values caring for the poor and being a family of faith
PS Sorry that my blog posts have been so sporadic. Working full time has left me pretty trained so far.
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