There are parts of my job that are hard to see and hear. When a parents tells their child to hit back instead of using their words or telling a teacher, when I see a parent scream and threaten to hit their child for losing their jacket, and to see a child wear the same clothes 3-4 times a week.
One of my students wears the same outfit several times a week. It's hard for me to know if he doesn't have a lot of clothes or if he just really likes the outfit and wants to wear it a lot. As it has been getting colder I have noticed that he never wears pants. It doesn't seem to bother him to much because he is pretty energetic and always moving around. But it bothered me. So I asked him if he owned a pair of pants. He told me that his mother told him to ask Santa Claus for a pair of pants for Christmas. I guess that meant no. After the Winter Break I was sad to see him still in shorts. I thought for sure he would have recieved some pants for Christmas, as maybe he had just grown out of his other pants. I didn't want to ask him about it. I prayed that God would provide this little boy a pair of pants. I almost wanted to buy a pair for him myself but I didn't know how that would be recieved. So I just continued to pray. Last week I saw him in a pair of track pants. I was overjoyed and I asked him where he got them. He told me that his auntie had given him the pants and some shirts as well. He was overjoyed that the clothes were similar to one of his friends. "Tom has clothes like this," He said to me. Lord thank you for providing this boy a pair of pants.
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