Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I didn’t really spend that much time reflecting on 2010. I still feel like I live by a school calendar so 2010 is ½ in Irvine and ½ in LA making it hard to reflect on the whole year. I never make New Years’ resolutions because I always fail to keep them. But here are some things I am not resolving to do, but would hope would happen in 2011 (in no particular order)

-Have a stable job(s) doing something I love with kids- I’m over job searching, I really am.

-Aprendo mas espanol- Necesito para trabajos y en hablo con mis vecinos

-Get to know my neighbors- Hence why I need to know Spanish, but I need to find other ways to interact with them.

-Visit my nephew several times-He’s going to grow so fast.

-Date L- Depressing subject. A hope every year that never happens it seems.

-Get to know more people at the church I attend/get involved-maybe kid’s ministry, maybe go to Spanish service to work on Spanish and get to know more people in the community.

-Make fasting more of a routine in my life- Our church will be practicing this soon so I hope to continue with what I learn

-Continue to learn how to cook more-And have grace on myself when I fail

-See more plays- I need more theater buddies

-Learn more of how to care for the poor in LA- Oh Lord teach me, I don’t know what I am doing.

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