Friday, May 13, 2011

Continuous Line Drawings

This is another catch up blog. I did this activity with my students months ago. I did a series of exercises on continuous line drawing from what I had learned from Inner City Arts

We started by first just talking about different types of lines, horizontal, vertical, straight, curvy, zig zag and practiced drawing those lines.

Then I had the crumple up a piece of paper and pretend that an ant was walking along the parameter of that paper. I asked them to draw the path that the ant took.

(This is why I love the creative process. The kinders liked the image of the ant. One student turned her path into more of a story and drew an ant house and car. It wasn’t apart of the exercise but it was part of her creative process).

I tried to do blind continuous line portrait drawing. Most of them could not do it without looking.

Then I had them do continuous line portrait drawing while looking. When I was doing this activity it didn’t seem like any of them could really stick to the continuous lines but when I looked at their work afterwards, quite a few of them were able to do this.

In the next activity I called out different objects like a shoe, house, ball, pencil and they were supposed to draw those objects in a continuous line.

I put a random object inside each of their desks that they weren’t supposed to look at but just draw by feeling. They really liked the mystery of this activity and trying to guess the different objects that they were drawing. Having the desk to put the objects in really helped them not to peak.

Although it was a little difficult to get through each of the exercises, I think they overall enjoyed it. I had them each pick one of the drawings from all the different exercises and put them up on the board. I then did a non-judgmental critique with them. Since it’s been months now I am forgetting what we talked about but I think it went pretty well. I was having a hard time remembering to talk about each student’s art.

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